Sep 5, 2011

U.S. foreign debt will reach $ 14.3 billion in the first quarter of 2011

Request that Congress raise the debt limit to the deepest recession in 8 years, the presidential adviser says that the new Congress must authorize the increase or the impact will be "catastrophic." The Republicans who dominate the new Congress, have said that "the impact on the economy will be catastrophic" if Congress does not raise the debt limit of the Government, warned the head of the presidential economic adviser, Austan Goolsbee.
In the battlefield that are political programs on television Sunday, Republicans immediately responded that the government should stop spending money you do not have.
The Republicans won a majority in the House of Representatives election last November, and taking public positions on national television is a preview of the battles between President Barack Obama and Congress after next Wednesday to begin the legislative session .
The U.S. indebtedness has a limit set by Congress, $ 14.3 billion and is expected, while scramble to pull the economy out of recession deeper and longer in nearly eight decades, the government gets to that limit in the first quarter.
In elections last year many candidates backed by the citizens' movement Tea Party promised that if the government does not cut costs they do not authorize the increase in debt.
"If we get to the point where we hurt the full faith and credit of the United States would be in the first moratorium in history caused by pure folly," Goolsbee said the program This Week on ABC television.
Immeasurable debt:
The U.S. budget has a deficit of 1.3 billion federal dollars and a bipartisan panel created by President Barack Obama for the study of the reduction of debt, was unable to reach agreement on recommendations to cut the deficit to about400,000 million dollars in fiscal 2015.
Representative Michell Bachman, Republican of Minnesota, said on the show Face the Nation, the CBS television that "voters want Congress to stop spending money" does not have.
"I'm not in favor of increasing the debt limit," said Bachman.
Social spending vs. military spending:
His colleague, Senator-elect from Utah, Mike Leey, who appeared on the News Sunday on Fox television, said he is willing to tell Americans "have to do without some government programs" to control spending.
"Americans are already doing in their homes," said Lee.
The greatest chops in government expenditures are for U.S. federal military spending and Social Security programs (retirement) and Medicare (subsidy for the costs of health care for the elderly).
Goolsbee said that President Obama to reach agreement with Republicans on programs and laws that benefit the economy and the incentives for investment and tax cuts for workers and small businesses.
But Goolsbee said he should cut government spending that are necessary for economic growth.
"The reason why the deficit is so large this year because we are emerging from the worst recession since 1929," said Goolsbe, adding that "the long-term fiscal challenge facing the nation is important."
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, showed a greater willingness to compromise with his fellow Obama more militants, many of whom come to Congress this year driven by the Tea Party.
"He did not raise the debt limit would be bad for the U.S. position in the world," Graham said on Meet the Press on NBC television.
But Graham said he does not vote for the measure until they have a "clear plan for handling the debt."

Sep 4, 2011

The Battle of the CO 2 escapes into the ground

The European plan to slash emissions of greenhouse gases are increasingly more complicated. The nuclear suffer a serious blow to its credibility, which seems to prevent them from being the pillars that support the production of clean electricity until it is fully developed, renewable energy. In this context, and on the same day that certified the nuclear outage, Germany decided on Thursday to approve research technology of CO2 capture and storage, a controversial procedure which was opposed by environmentalists and socialists in Parliament.It is that power plants do not expel this gas fireplaces, but is caught before issued and injected into suitable underground.
In this country now wants to explore Germany came in 2007 a group of Spanish scientists now have at hand the most advanced project in the investigation of this complex technology. So much so that, just these days, the machinery of Compostilla in El Bierzo (León), has begun to achieve the first milestones almost industrial levels. There, in 2009 launched a scientific and technological project, backed by 180 million euros from the EU to achieve carbon black to make something more sustainable.
The program director CO2 capture, Vicente Cortés, explains that the technology is being developed near Ponferrada is the "only way" to maintain the coal mining without compromising the goal of reducing emissions. That's what the government asked in 2007 to those responsible for the Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT), which were the ones who laid the cornerstone concept of what is now the Energy City Foundation that promotes the program.
Among the various technological ventures that could in theory get the desired results, was the Ciemat which opted for the development of oxy-fuel (coal combustion with oxygen). In this phase, the first of three, which is research proving that the CO2 can be segregated from other harmful elements that come from burning coal to generate electricity.
Trade Projection"And not in a laboratory or in small installations, as has been done so far, but like the industrial size of this plant," said Cortes, proud that his team is "world leader" in the development of this technology will use Endesa and market in Foster Wheeler is ready, around December this year.
Explains the professor of chemical engineering at the University of Seville, this plant with 45 workers in active practice is the size of a cement plant generates electricity and not to prostitute the project because "it is associated with technological development". Although, yes, the marketing of its patents will generate the appropriate copyright for this Spanish technology.
In Compostilla working in parallel with two very different types of boilers to be referred to the two main ways of exploiting the coal used in the world, and thus have solutions for everyone. Every hour of work is 4,000 euros in European investment while burning three tons of coal homeland. The second phase will involve the development of appropriate mechanisms for compression and transportation of this gas in a stable condition to the point of storage, the third phase.
This critical point is that more problems may arise, both from a technical perspective as well as the social response that may result. The injection of CO2 underground implies "learn a lesson from nature," said Modesto Montoto, program director of storage. It is about finding optimal land to play on the rock the same stage that occurs in the precious bags of gas or oil. The development of gas injection procedures in the soil and leak detection technologies are being prepared in Hontomín, Burgos.
According to projections by the Energy City Foundation, the CO2 capture and storage will be a reality in some industrial operations in 2015. A bet that must provide 20% reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases under the EU in 2050, according to the International Energy Agency.
But technology is not like anything to environmental organizations who are committed to putting all the chips in the field of clean energy. "It is wrong that public money is removed from the true solution, renewables, to keep alive this harmful energy system," said Aida Vila, Greenpeace, which criticizes the coal is subsidized in the extraction and burning, and now in this development. "The thing to do is restructure the sector, there continue patching as storage in the basement, which can leak," he warns.

"Irene" left 46 people dead and under water

Public transport returned to normal in the metropolitan Washington, DC, and in most states of the East Coast of the United States after Hurricane Irene, but on Thursday September 1 were flooded and many villages thousands of homes stillwithout electricity.

At least 46 people died from the storm, which swept the Caribbean and theeastern coast before hitting Canada. Of these, at least nine are of Latin origin,authorities confirmedIn addition, there were four deaths in Virginia and two inMaryland.

In Maryland, Virginia and DC, which were declared "disaster areas" by PresidentBarack Obama, took urgent steps to restore the service of electric lighting. There are still hundreds of homes without power, especially those further away.

The Metro system and urban passenger transport operating normally on Tuesday30, after they did it in part on Monday.

In New York, where residents prepared for the worst, the subway system and buses back to work again just for rush hour on Monday, although initially only partially.

But in northern New Jersey and Vermont were the worst floods in a century,according to their respective governors.

In many cases, the moment of greatest danger came long after the storm passedto grow the rivers and streams by rain, turning them into dangerous torrents. Ireneshowed up to 28 centimeters (11 inches) of rain in Vermont and more than 33centimeters (13 inches) in parts of New Jersey and New York.

The death toll in the 11 eastern states increased at least 40, mostly because oftrees killed or electrocuted by cables detached

Obama: "Prepare for the worst"

From the shores of North Carolina to New York City, through the federal capital, the east coast of the United States was preparing yesterday for the impact of Hurricane Irene, which, depending on the weather, landfall today with gusts as high as 165 kilometers per hour.

Officials ordered evacuations in coastal areas yesterday, closing of public transport, detailed emergency plans and prepared for heavy damage in an area unaccustomed to such a force storms.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg ordered the evacuation of about 250,000 New Yorkers, all living in the lower areas of the city, the neighborhoods of Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island, including Battery Park City, Lower Manhattan and Governor's Island. On Wall Street, close to Battery Park, considered one of the areas most at risk, the stock was gathering generators to what may happen tomorrow does not prevent the opening on Monday.
"We have never declared an evacuation and we would not be doing now if we did not believe that this storm has great destructive potential," the mayor said. All residents of areas located below sea level, designated as area A, must have left their homes to five in the afternoon (once at night in mainland Spain).
The authorities of the State of New York have decided to close from noon today the network of public transport in the city, including bus systems, subways and railways.
All flights departing from or arriving in the city scheduled for today and tomorrow have been suspended.
While many people are stockpiling supplies, some have seen business opportunities: some supermarkets offer for two days "coupons hurricane."
At the same time, President Barack Obama from his vacation retreat on an island in Massachusetts, who finished ahead of time to avoid the effects of the hurricane, warned: "I can not stress enough: if you are on the planned route of the hurricanePrecautions should be taken at this time.
Do not wait. Do not delay decisions. We all look the best but we must be prepared for the worst, "he said." It seems that this could be a historic hurricane. "
About 65 million people reside in areas affected by the planned route of the hurricane, the axis linking Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. In Washington, the government has distributed sandbags and have enabled four shelters. The national rail company, Amtrak canceled yesterday the long-distance routes connecting the capital with the south. The airlines have also canceled several routes.
"From the standpoint of flooding, this may be something that happens only once every century," warned the governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie. His counterpart in Virginia, Robert McDonnell, advised citizens to seek shelter and do not make travel plans today.
Passing Bahamas, Irene was downgraded to Category 2 hurricane, but is expected to intensify gusts at landfall, which the National Hurricane Center expected to happen today near the town of Wilmingon, North Carolina, forafternoon (evening in Spain). If it exceeds 178 kilometers per hour, will be Category 3.
The memory of Hurricane Katrina was a Category 3 and was registered six years ago in the Gulf of Mexico, still remains.